Virginia Tech is Under Surveillance

Hokie Privacy is a project to educate people about the various privacy threats faced on the Virginia Tech campus.


Automatic license plate readers automatically read your license plate, look it up, and log your location without any human interaction.

CAS Watch

CAS provides secure single sign-on services for university resources, but many systems are set up using less secure authentication methods that can expose your password.


Since the Going Google transition, Virginia Tech operates a rather complex mail setup that creates additional privacy risks compared to using simply a Gmail account.

Hokie Passports

The Hokie Passport system is used extensively throughout the university, but carries tremendous privacy risks as it has the potential of linking together a person's movements.

Online Anonymity

Due to the design of Virginia Tech's network, in almost all circumstances, it is possible to identify network users, link online activity, and track people across campus.

Parking Passes

Beginning in 2015, Virginia Tech began using parking passes with an embedded RFID chip that can be read at a significant distance and speed.


Aside from cameras, there are also other types of sensors installed at Virginia Tech that can pose privacy risks, such as the accelerometers installed in Goodwin Hall that can track movement.

Surveillance Cameras

Virginia Tech began installing cameras on campus in 2011, and there is now significant coverage of most public areas on campus, posing severe privacy risks.


Current Virginia Tech courses require the installation of software which, under their own definitions, can be called malware.